Puzzler’s Wednesday – Debbie Manber Kupfer (AKA Paws)

Me with P4L

Hello everyone and welcome to our first Puzzler’s Wednesday. Each Wednesday I’m going to highlight a different puzzler. So let’s start off with a little about me.

  1. How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Crazy writer, puzzle maker, cat lover, and tea drinker!

  1. How long have you been setting crosswords?

I’ve been setting all kinds of puzzles (not just crosswords) for around 18 years.

  1. Do you like to set / solve /do both

Definitely both. You can’t be a good writer without also being a wide reader and the same is true for puzzles, the more you solve, the better your puzzles and clues become.

  1. Who’s your favorite setter/publication

I have a fondness for Hex (Cox and Rathvon) and Patrick Berry.

  1. One cryptic clue that has always stayed with you

Mad passionate lovers (7)*

  1. Your favorite place

New York

  1. Your favorite movie

Blazing Saddles

  1. Your favorite person

The late and great Douglas Adams.

  1. Something you love other than crosswords

Books – particular fantasy and sci-fi

  1. Something you believe in / your motto

With enough tea and dark chocolate you can accomplish anything!


This interview originally appeared in the Souvenir puzzle collection put together to celebrate the one year anniversary of 1ACross on Facebook.

If you haven’t already pick up a copy of Paws 4 Logic today. 37 challenging puzzles from Debbie and her son, Joey.


*(dd – BONKERS – I think it was originally in the Telegraph.)

About paws4puzzles

I'm a writer and puzzle maker. I am the author of a YA fantasy series, P.A.W.S. and my puzzles have been published in many magazines from Dell and Penny Press and on the walls of the Eltana cafe in Seattle. My most recent release is a book of logic problems, Paws4Logic which I wrote together with my son, Joey.
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2 Responses to Puzzler’s Wednesday – Debbie Manber Kupfer (AKA Paws)

  1. Tuning Spork says:

    You’re as silly as I am. I like your style.


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